SGastronomy and tourism links close and harmonious relationship. After long walks and exploring the historical heritage and architectural beauty, you suddenly feel alluring desire to plunge into the cozy atmosphere of one of the catering establishments, have a cup of coffee or eat thoroughly. Excellent option there is quite a lot, but it is difficult to challenge the convenient location of the cafe "We are on you", located in the same building as the Art House Hotel.
Kafe "We are on you"
On the opposite side of the street is rased the mall «Olympic Plaza». It is notable not only bright and stylish bar «Sasha's bar», but also "Gastronomica", located on the top floor panoramic restaurant with an open kitchen, serving interesting, the presence of author dishes and stunning views of the Nevsky Prospekt.
«Olympic Plaza»
Sasha’s bar
Panoramic restaurant «Gastronomica»
A Stremyannaya street prepared for residents and guests of St. Petersburg, a pleasant surprise in the form small Georgian restaurant «Cat (Кэт)», stands out among other inimitable homely atmosphere and delicious "spicy" cuisine, there is often loved to dine a famous opera singer Elena Obraztsova.
Oriental cuisine lovers can visit Japanese restaurants «Таkао» и «Two sticks (Две палочки)», Chinese restaurant «Нихао», bar «Еurasia» and restaurant «Тоkiо-City».
Restaurant "Таkaо"
Two sticks
Bar «Еurasia»
For those who prefer Italian and Mediterranean cuisine will like the restaurant «La Perla Fish House», located at the corner of Raz'esjaya street and Marata. You can also stroll along the Nevsky Prospect and visit the
«Mama Roma» restaurant or «Il Patio».
La Perla Fish House
Mama Roma
Greek dishes can be enjoyed in the restaurant «Sirtaki», located on Nevsky Prospekt.
We also recommend you visit the cafe «Мам in the country», decorated in the ethnic Russian style and offers Russian cuisine.
Мама in the country
Special mention deserve healthy food restaurants – «Steamed cuisine», it offers the steaming dishes, and a café-bistro«Dill (Укроп)».
"Steamed cuisine"
Buffet and restaurant «Orient Express» stands out among the others. From the walls of the house, where it is, the locomotive appears. Decorating the main hall created in the style of the dining car of expensive European retro train with a bar like the station ticket office. For all guests of the hotel "Art-House" a 10% discount at the buffet restaurant "Orient Express." Discount Coupons are available at the reception.
Orient Express
You can relax with a glass of their favorite drink in the «Grizzly Bar», «Bristol Pub» or in the bar «Beer Etiquette», visit the beer restaurant «JagerHaus» , the bar «Beer House» or restaurant-bar-club «Liverpool».
Grizzly Bar
Bristol Pub
Fans just need to taste the sweets manufactured in the famous Cafe «North (Север)» on the Nevsky Prospekt, and you can visit the cafe «Sweet Teeth (Cладкоежка)», «Coffee House», Viennese coffeehouse «Coffeeshop Company».
Coffeeshop Company
Those who love fast food, too, will not remain without attention worthy. In walking distance there are such places as «KFC», «Pizza Hut» and «Теремок», cafe «Market Place.
In the immediate vicinity there are also familiar to many dining, offering a satisfying and inexpensive menu: «Dining №1 Kopeika», «Tea spoon (Чайная «Ложка)» and «ТPlate (Тарелка)».